Financial Manager, Licensed Attorney, Community Advocate
Coming from a long line of philanthropists and community advocates, Sam Cone's great-great-grandfather, Ceasar Cone, alongside his brother Moses, founded the largest denim manufacturer in the world in Greensboro, after their father fled religious persecution in Germany. Sam is committed to using his financial expertise to help others who are fighting for human and civil rights for all.
In addition to serving Cone Wealth clients, Sam works closely with a range of organizations that advocate for the rights that allowed his family to flourish in the United States. Through both philanthropy and activism, Sam is working to ensure these rights are afforded to all members of his community, regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual orientation. He believes that true philanthropy means investing strategically in organizations and policies that increase access for all to human rights and public goods.
Cone graduated Cum Laude with a J.D. from New York University School of Law and received his B.A. in mathematics and philosophy from UNC-Chapel Hill, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa and with Highest Distinction. His commitment to improving the lives of others is a testament to his dedication to his family's legacy of philanthropy and community advocacy.
Our Values

In Judaism, tzedakah is considered to be an important aspect of living a moral and just life. The concept of tzedakah goes beyond simply giving to charity; it is a fundamental part of the Jewish worldview that emphasizes the obligation to work towards social justice and help those in need. This idea runs deep within the DNA of Cone Wealth.

Equity & Community
At Cone Wealth, we recognize that creating a more equitable society requires a collective effort. Many of our clients share our vision and are dedicated to making a positive difference in their communities. By working together, we can tackle systemic issues and drive meaningful change.

By implementing sound financial management practices, clients can gain control over their finances, build wealth, and achieve their financial goals, no matter where they are starting from. But at Cone Wealth, this is just one part of the equation. We believe a strong financial foundation can empower and amplify their voices within their communities.
The Letter that Shaped the Cone Family's Legacy
Herman Cone's brother-in-law wrote a letter for him in 1846 when Herman fled the religious persecution of Jews in Germany for the United States. It has served ever since as a moral compass for their family.
Letter to Herman Cone – 1846

Place your full trust and confidence in God who will send his angels to guard you. So, do not be discouraged, and do not be afraid of leaving or of the voyage, but consider your fate a good fortune, designed for you by God.
You may shed tears, because you are leaving your parents' house, your Father, Brothers and Sisters, relatives, friends and your native land, but dry your tears, because you have the sweet hope of finding a second home abroad and a new country where you will not be deprived of all political and civil rights and where the Jew is not excluded from the society of all other men and subject to the severest restriction, but you will find a real homeland where you as a human being may claim all human rights and human dignity.
Be careful of your voyage and pay attention to your health as well as your belongings. Avoid the company of all but respectable and educated people. Be modest and polite to every. body. Thus you may surely expect good treatment for yourself.
Every evening and every morning turn to GOD with sincere prayers; do not be afraid of anybody and do not let anybody disturb your devotions. Even if some people should make fun of you at first, they will understand later and show their respect.
I recommend to you the faith of your fathers as the most sacred and the most noble. Try to follow all the Commandments most painstakingly and thereby attain actual happiness. Do not sacrifice your faith for worldly goods. They will disappear like dust and must be left behind in due time.
Remember particularly the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, for it is one of the most important pillars on which our Faith is established. Do not disregard this day and do not let gold or silver make you blind and do not let any business however tempting induce you to violate the Sabbath, but at least on this day think seriously about your existence and your work.

It is not man's destiny to accumulate worldly goods just to be wealthy, but to acquire them to be used as means for the attainment of eternal happiness. I am, therefore giving you as a keepsake an excellent religious book for your instruction. Make it your sacred duty to read one chapter each Sabbath and holy day with serious devotion and meditation. Do not lay it aside when you have read it through, but keep it and read it again from time to time.
You thereby learn your religion thoroughly, act accordingly and thus be honored by GOD and men. It will be your counsel in good times and bad, and will preserve you from all evil.
Honor your Father and your Mother, that your days may be prolonged. Even in that distant country you can show your respect and love towards your Father by always remembering his good advice and by frequently writing him loving letters, thus giving expression to your devotion to him and your Brothers and Sisters.
Although your sainted Mother is now in Heaven and although you never knew her, you can show her your greatest respect and love by following the Faith as she did. You will thus be able to know her and be with her in Heaven.
Your Sister and Brother-in-law in America will surely receive you in their home with loving care. Consider their home as your Father's house and be respectful and modest toward them, show them your filial devotion and be attached and faithful to them, as you have always been toward us. Follow their advice and their suggestions and, whatever you may undertake, first ask them for their counsel. They will always give you the best advice and you will derive benefit therefrom, I am sure.
If you should be lucky enough to become wealthy in that distant land, do not let it make you proud and overbearing. Do not think that your energy and knowledge accumulated that wealth, but that GOD gave it to you to use it for the best purpose and for charity. Do not forget that you are also under obligation to assist your relatives and to help them to get ahead.

However, if you should not become wealthy, be satisfied with what you do have and try to be as comfortable and happy as if you had the greatest treasures.
Follow the middle way between avarice and waste. Do not be stingy, but live according to your position and your finances and be particularly liberal toward the poor, and charitable to the needy. Be glad to help and give part of your bread and give assistance to the distressed.
Do not let anybody call you a miser, but be known as a philanthropist. On the other hand, do not be extravagant or a spendthrift. Even if the necessity should occasionally arise to spend more than usual, never feel obliged to squander. It is of utmost importance that you keep account of your expenditures and live within your income.
I am closing with the quotation:
"Do right, trust in God, and fear no man."
(Signed) Joseph Rosengart.
Buttenhausen, April 16th, 1846.
Cone Mills
Sam Cone’s great-great grandfather Ceasar, along with his brother Moses, started what became the largest denim manufacturer in the world. Explore images from the mills below.
Community Engagement
Sam is involved in organizations throughout Greensboro and North Carolina including:
Board Member and Treasurer of the North Carolina Justice Center. Past member/treasurer of the North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Commission
Board Chair of the Jewish Foundation of Greensboro
Board member of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Cone Health Foundation, UNCG Investment Fund, and Greensboro Symphony Endowment

Contact Us
We understand that managing your finances and achieving your financial goals can be a complex and daunting task. At Cone Wealth, we are committed to helping you navigate the intricacies of the financial landscape and develop a customized plan that aligns with your needs and aspirations. To help us better understand your situation and goals, we invite you to fill out this contact form and a team member will be in touch.